Why Should I Be Grateful?

This past summer, I read a LOT of stuff!  And when I say a LOT, I mean SO MUCH!!!  I learned how to become a better me!  This was the first article that touched my heart and made me stop in my tracks.  What will make you STOP?  I pray that this article helps you…

Who Am I?

I am sure that you have all asked this same question of yourself and if you haven’t you are now.  So, Who Are You?  Are you a child, a daughter, a son, a mother, a father, a brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandparent?  Who are you? I asked myself this question a few years ago and…

Declare It!

This past summer I began a refreshing change in my life.  It began as just joining a new church.  I was not thinking that it would be any different that all the other churches I had been a member of.  WOW!!  I was so wrong! The first class was eye-opening that things were askew in…


Do you ever wake up and realize that your child has turned into an adult and that their actions relate and reflect so many of yours?  Did you notice their likes and dislikes are very similar to your and your spouses?  How about the way they react to circumstances and occurrences within their lives? What…

His Love

I sit here on the eve of Christmas Eve and I am excited to spend it in with my loved ones and I am excited that I feel loved from so many that surround us.  I think about those that do not have that in their life. It makes me a bit said to think…


How many times have you been told to “prove” something?  Why is it that people don’t just take your word for something?  What happens when we say that we saw a purple elephant?  Right, they say prove it!  Also, what if we say that we are able to lift our body weight and curl it?…

Changes Part 2

Who is on your team? Do you have a team? Who should be on your team? I have a great team!  My team is strong, courageous, life-giving, and very loving.  My household is an amazing team.  My husband knows exactly how to lift my spirits with the smile and touch from his loving hands.  My…

Changes, Part 1

How can we become BETTER? How can we grow into what God has intended for us? How do we know when we have actually improved on something? I once heard someone say, “Just pick a spot and begin”.  This came from an audible book I am enjoying by Clayton King, “Overcome”.  He is speaking on…

Are you Really Worshiping?

Today, I read a devotion that struck a cord in my heart.  It was about worship.  How do we worship Whole-Life?  How is my life showing that I am a follower of Christ?  How am I leading my child to a loving relationship with Christ? Am I? Words- Words express many things.  They can express…